Friday, March 19, 2010

Annoying Talkers

1When you are sitting on the bus and someone is blabbering on about how they did something so magnificent yesterday and you can’t take it, what do you do? 2After ten stories of the same thing to ten different people over the phone, while you are sitting right behind them, it gets very annoying. 3Especially when they have a high pitched nasally voice, you just want to rip the phone form their hand and beat them with it. 4There are some things that you can do in order to have some peace and quiet. 5Under certain circumstances, you may have the power in order to shut that person up. 6While there are places that expect people to have rules that people have to follow, like eating at McDonald’s or eating at a fancy restaurant. 7On a bus for example, people don’t have the right to talk loud enough for the whole bus to hear them. 8When you want somebody to shut their mouth, all you have to do is politely ask, and if that doesn’t work, the bus driver has more power than the average passenger. 9Ask him to tell that person to please shove a sock in it. 10So when someone is in the room and you are being annoyed by their loud uproar through the phone, you can tell them to be quiet.
11The perfect scenario when someone is talking and you want them to shut their yap is waiting in the movie theater. 12When I went to the mall to go see a movie in the built in movie theater, there was one girl who was talking away with her boyfriend about the stupidest things. 13I wanted to rip the phone from her hands, snap it in half and then throw it at the screen. 14Alas, I could not do that, for I was worried about the consequences. 15When the movie was finally over and we were all walking out of the theater, she was still talking! 16That is true determination to make someone mad. 17All I wanted to do was watch a movie, but no, she wouldn’t let me. 18This is why this is such an annoyance to society and to people who actually want to do something productive. 19Do you know why texting and Facebook for your phone was invented? 20So you wouldn’t talk when people don’t want you to, along with it’s more fun to talk to people while texting.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Ugly Duckling

When people think of different, their first assumption usually means “bad”. Sometimes, it is totally the opposite of what they think. Though some people can think of things in different ways, the real life meaning is the right answer to the problem. The Ugly Duckling is a story about exactly what the title states. When a little duck is rejected by its own kind, it must undergo the suffering and despair of being alone. There are some things that are hidden within the story that you could seek out to really understand what the author is trying to convey. From the moment that little duck was born to the moment its life was complete is one thing nobody can forget about.
Like all things that express emotion, some things can be sought out and confined to a certain meaning. The duckling in the story was not like the others. This was for one reason, he was not a duck at all. It was a swan’s egg. When swans are chicks, they are gray and appalling and do not look anything like a swan. The universal symbol for swans means transformation because they look ugly when they are a chick and beautiful when they are adults. This is the main idea about this story. Something besides the swan is the egg in which it was born in. The average swan egg is much larger and stronger than the average duck egg. The strength and dignity that the ugly duckling has and the drive to never give up is the symbolism of the egg. These are the two most important ideas in the story, what it is all about. Since this has an effect on the entire story, it would be nice to know what type of story it is.
The theme of the story is what the author is trying to say in the story. It’s displaying a message that everyone can learn from. The theme is Man vs. Himself. He is fighting who he is and rejecting reality. While everyone else is judging him how he looks, like judging a book by its cove, he must reinforce himself with the fact that he knows her is a great duck. In the beginning, the ducks had rejected him and he was renowned for being ugly. The conflict was of the ducks not taking him in and treating them as one of their own. They were wrong to do that, for when he had grown up, something amazing had happened. He had turned into what nobody could think of, a swan. The symbolization of a new life had happened and he turned into a swan. Through odds and ends, comments and disbelief, he had gone through a hard life. At one point, the animals all criticized the duck and “You don’t understand me” is what the duck had said (P.4 The Ugly Duckling). As said in this quote, there is a problem with the duck and the other animals. “You are exceedingly ugly” was another quote in which he had heard (P.3 The Ugly Duckling). This time by wild ducks, not even knowing who he was. He’s a rebel, an outcast. He has nobody to look to. Since he is an outcast, he must do things on his own and have a bigger ego than everyone else.
The ugly duckling has many more traits than other animals. When everything gets him down he has to get back up. For one thing, and maybe the biggest, he is persistent. Never giving up is one thing that will get anyone through life. It is the drive to do better and to surpass everyone else, that is what is going to keep us moving. This little duckling was indeed better than the rest. Something to go along with that s his ego. When your ego is big, being cocky can come with that as well. Though this little one was not cocky, ignorant, but not cocky. He was helping himself when he was driving to get better for himself and the other ones around him. This is also why he is so persistent. Nothing stands in the way of one who tries harder than others. This is why this story is so great, determination is the word people would describe it with, other think of it As their own tale, or how they want their life to be.
The Ugly Duckling was one of the best motivating stories of all times. While there are many things to think about in the story, that helps the reader relate it to their life and have them think about what they have done with themselves, and they may get rewarded for it. The certain characteristics of such a small idea was something anyone can learn by, and the classic lesson of learning something before judging it was transferred through this story like it has been throughout the ages.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Necklace

Flaws can lead to downfall and many things can be changed in someone’s life. Though there are many ways to fix things, there are not always easy ways to fix them. To be able to mend something together the right way can be hard but the ability to learn to be able to do that is something that can last a lifetime. In the short story “The Necklace”, a beautiful elegant lady wants to live the rich life. Unfortunately, she had no chance of doing that. When she gets a letter that may change her life forever, she must make many decisions to decide her consequences.
The tragic turn of The Necklace had shocked many people. Not many things happen that can be bad, but there is a small number of good things that can happen as well. The main character in The Necklace is just an average woman who wants to be rich an live the life of money. Money, beauty and jewels is all she thought about, she wanted nothing but that. While living the life of average people, she received a letter that was a once in a million chance. She had gotten a letter to go to a ball, not an average ball for fun, but one of rich people with beauty and elegance. Something that only the people living the high life could obtain. Thanks to her husband, she could live that life for one night. She wore the most beautiful dress and borrowed an astonishing necklace from her friend. She was the center of attention, just for this one night, but that is all she needed. She had become the guest of honor. Though when it was past midnight and everyone was leaving, she had put on her jacket and noticed a hole in it. She did not want to let anyone see, she left immediately. When she arrived home, she noticed, she had lost the necklace. The one key mistake to someone’s life could be such a small one.
While she was having the time of her life that night. Many years later, she was in trouble. When she had lost the necklace, she had paid 36k francs for another one to replace it. She was in debt. She must work overtime for the next 10 years to pay it off. When she had finally finished, she met her friend in the local park. Astonished to see her, she crept up like a cockroach to talk to her. She wanted to, but she was nervous. She had not seen her in 10 long years, she wanted to talk to her about the necklace. When she had gathered enough courage and strength, she had begun to engage in a conversation. She told her about the necklace and she finally got to the part where she lost it. When the words came out of her friends mouth that she would regret the rest of her life. “The necklace was paste, why, it was worth no more than 500 francs”. This is when she realized, she had been the victim of this irony. That all adds up to this story being an irony. Her flaw was going to the ball and borrowing the necklace from her friend. The fall was she lost in had to work overtime for over ten years. Nothing could have made her more enraged. The irony of it, was that if she had just told her the truth, then she would not have to had to pay off all of the debt she owed. There were also things in the story that had told it before it began.
Symbols help express a story for certain things or the story in general. In The Necklace, the necklace had been a show of beauty and elegance, yet it had also meant misery and despair. It had been the reason that her life was miserable, but it was also the reason that she had been so beautiful that night. It was the key of the story and nothing was more important, hence the name The Necklace. Though it was showing most of the story like it was, there were more symbols such as the letter she had received. When she had received the letter that told her and her husband that they could travel to one of the most famous balls in the area. Only rich people could go, with the exception of a few more poor families. This letter represented acceptance and royalty, even if it was for only one night. These are important things to look for in a story. They help describe what to look for and help comprehend it. While they may not be obvious, they can really help a reader when they don’t understand something.
Sometimes things do not go your way. Like in this story, she finally got the opportunity to be fancy and be rich like all the other women, even if it were for one night only. She obtained her dream, and her dream drove her to the ground. A liar does not succeed in the end, just like their fibs. Looking into a story to really get a feeling for it is the best way to figure it out. It helps to know how the characters feel and think. While not everything goes someone’s way, it is not because of destiny, it is because of themselves and their mistakes.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Man Vs. Himself

Story of an hour was Man Vs. Himself. In the story, the woman had heart problems and her husband dies in an accident. The bad news comes and she finds out, it was not her husband. In shock, her heart stops and she falls to the ground dead. While this may be ironic, she is facing herself in order to stay together. The reason that it is Man Vs. Himself was because she was sick. She was trying to stay alive because she is fighting ehr own body. Another reason was because she was shocked her husband dies. When she figured out he was not, she was trying to stay together. When she was a free woman for the hour, she was happen. Nothing decides fate more like themselves.