Friday, March 19, 2010

Annoying Talkers

1When you are sitting on the bus and someone is blabbering on about how they did something so magnificent yesterday and you can’t take it, what do you do? 2After ten stories of the same thing to ten different people over the phone, while you are sitting right behind them, it gets very annoying. 3Especially when they have a high pitched nasally voice, you just want to rip the phone form their hand and beat them with it. 4There are some things that you can do in order to have some peace and quiet. 5Under certain circumstances, you may have the power in order to shut that person up. 6While there are places that expect people to have rules that people have to follow, like eating at McDonald’s or eating at a fancy restaurant. 7On a bus for example, people don’t have the right to talk loud enough for the whole bus to hear them. 8When you want somebody to shut their mouth, all you have to do is politely ask, and if that doesn’t work, the bus driver has more power than the average passenger. 9Ask him to tell that person to please shove a sock in it. 10So when someone is in the room and you are being annoyed by their loud uproar through the phone, you can tell them to be quiet.
11The perfect scenario when someone is talking and you want them to shut their yap is waiting in the movie theater. 12When I went to the mall to go see a movie in the built in movie theater, there was one girl who was talking away with her boyfriend about the stupidest things. 13I wanted to rip the phone from her hands, snap it in half and then throw it at the screen. 14Alas, I could not do that, for I was worried about the consequences. 15When the movie was finally over and we were all walking out of the theater, she was still talking! 16That is true determination to make someone mad. 17All I wanted to do was watch a movie, but no, she wouldn’t let me. 18This is why this is such an annoyance to society and to people who actually want to do something productive. 19Do you know why texting and Facebook for your phone was invented? 20So you wouldn’t talk when people don’t want you to, along with it’s more fun to talk to people while texting.

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